Religions in India
The Major Religions in India
India is a country that is known for its multi diversity. It incorporates several traditions, cultures, languages, and beliefs. It is also known for incorporating different religions as well. The most famous and
1. Hinduism:
This is the dominant religion in India that is practiced in most of the parts of the country. It is also believed to be the oldest religions in the world. The religion has idols to which devotees pray. There are also mythologically tales as well that are part of the worship. The religion is also linked to rituals and sacred texts. It is also based on a theme of life and death which include duties, work, desires, and salvation as well. In the world, it is the third largest religion. The people who worship the Hindu gods or follow the religion of Hinduism are known as Hindu. Some major countries that have Hindu population on a large scale include India, Nepal, and Mauritius.
2. Buddhism:
Lord Buddha founds this religion. It is the world’s fourth-largest religion. It is based on the teachings and principles of Lord Buddha, who was a prince who attained salvation later. The religion is significant for practices such as mediation and monasticism. The people who follow Buddhism are known as Buddhists. The religion is simpler compared to Hinduism that worship a multitude of different gods. However, Buddhism is worship to Lord Buddha only. The religion developed in India during the 8th century. This religion also has a cycle of life, death, and rebirth linked to it as well.
3. Jainism:
The name “Jainism” is originated from the word “Jina” which means victor. Hence, the religion is connected to victory in a person’s life. The people who follow the religion are known as Jains. There are two types of Jains in the world. One is the Digambaras and other the Svetambaras. The former is known as the sky clads and the latter is known as the white clads. The Digambara Jains do not wear clothes are supposed to remain naked throughout the worship or lifetime. While the Svetambaras can wear clothes which are limited to the dress code of the religion. Both of them pray to the idol of Lord Mahavira.
4. Sikhism:
This is another dominant religion in India. It originated in Punjab and is a monotheistic religion. It is the world’s fifth largest religion and is also one of the youngest religion in the world. The people follow this religion are known as Sikhs or disciples or learners. They worship the Guru Grand Sahib. They do not have an idol, unlike other religions. They instead have a holy scripture that evokes faith, belief, and selfless service in the person towards humanity. They also believed in the benefit and prosperity of everyone. So, Sikhs are known for living a just and honest life. Most of the Sikhs around the world are widely concentrated in Punjab.
5. Christianity:
Christianity is also a monotheistic religion. The people worship Jesus who is the son of God. The people who follow religion are known as Christians. They have a holy scripture called the Bible that has Old Testament and the New Testament. There are mainly two types of Christians which are the Roman Catholics and Protestants. Both of them pray to the same god but in a different manner. The former beliefs in the meaning of the Bible and their own set of rules. While the latter beliefs only in the Bible and its principles. The Roman Catholics have seven solemn rites or seven sacraments. However, the Protestants have only two sacraments.
6. Islam:
This religion is widely concentrated in the world. The people who follow this monotheistic religion are known as Muslims. They believe that there is only one God who is known as Allah. It is the world’s second largest religion. The religion is based on the Quran, a holy scripture. They do not have an idol to pray to. However, they believe that the Quran is the ultimate principle of God. There are two major types of Muslims in the world namely Shia and Sunni Muslims. Both of them have different believes and practices. In some areas, there are significant conflicts between the groups as well.