Related Wildlife Species Founds in India
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Location :Uttarakhand
Coverage area : 820.42 Sq-km
Main attraction :
Best time to visit :15thNovember to 15thJune
Nearby excursions :
Nearby cities :Dehradun
in Uttarakhand.
Rajaji is a place for specificbirds, which are found in densemountain forests and in open meadows. Itslocation is in between the mild western and central Himalayas.The National Park has as many as 400 endangered avian species.It incorporates significant creatures like GreaterScaup, White-Naped Woodpecker, Great Hornbill, Dark-Bellied Tern, Pallas' Fish Falcon, Northern Goshawk, Dark-necked Stork, Yellow-charged Blue Jaybird, Flaky Thrush, Frigid Browed Flycatcher, Corroded Flanked Treecreeper, Pale-footed Shrub Songbird, Tytler's Leaf Lark, Green Avadavat, and Reed Hitting.
The National Park covers a vast region, which is in excess of 820.42 square kilometers. It covers three other locations of Uttarakhand, which are namely, Saharanpur, Dehradun, and PauriGarhwal.
Winters are the most charming time to visit the park. During this time, the temperature stays between 20- 25 ?C during the day. In summer, the temperature can be as high as 48?C. Amid winter, make the most to visit this park. The recreation center stays shut during rainfall when there is a normal downpour of 750 mm on an average.
The ideal season to visit Rajaji National Park is from 15thNovember to 15thJune. April to June is somewhat warm; however, these seasons offer an ideal opportunity to spot many creatures. It is recommended to visit here as early in the day as possible to explore the majority of the park. Additionally, during this time, the air remains agreeably cool or moderate as the day progresses. There is a significant drop in temperature during the nights in the winter season.Hence, one must carrysuitable warm garments. Rainy seasoniscertainly unfavorable for tours, and hence,the park stays shut until November.
There are several broadleaved deciduous backwoods, riversideplantations, scrubland, prairies, and pine woodlands found in the park. They structure the varieties of verdure at this park. The thick wildernesses here are home to thedynamic natural life. The fluctuated geology of the national park is the reason forthe existence of splendidcreatures here. The plants in this park comprise the following :
Rohini (Malollotusphilippinensis)
Amaltas (Cassia fistula)
Shisham ( Dalbergiasissoo)
Sal ( Shorearobusta)
Palash ( Buteamonosperma )
Arjun ( Terminaliaarjuna ) )
Sandan (Ougeiniaoojeinensis)
Chamaror (Ehretialaevis)
Kachnar (Bauhieniavariegata),
Baans ( Dendrocalamusstrictus )
Ber (Ziziphusmauritiana),
Khair ( Acacia catechu )
Chilla (Caseariatomentosa)
Aonla (Emblicaofficinalis)
Bel (Aeglemarmelos)
Semul ( Bombaxceiba)
and so on.
Mumbai, 1667.3 km
Chennai, 2339 km
Kolkata, 1679.5 km
Bangalore, 2336.9 km
Hyderabad, 1775.5 km
Mysore, 2516.5 km
Coimbatore, 2729.2 km
The closest airplane terminal is Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun. It is about 30kilometers from the park. This air terminal is just a fewkilometers from the Northern Limit of the Park. It takes on an average of 50 minutes by air from Delhi.
The closest railway station is inHaridwar. It is about 20kilometersfrom the Park. The other railway station isin Dehradun, which is 56kilometers, andRishikesh, which is about 18 kilometers from the park.
The National Park is about 200 km from Delhi. The distance fromLucknow is about 500 kilometers.Chilla, 8 kilometers from Haridwar Railroad Station and 24kilometers from Rishikesh is a major spot, which is well connected with themain cities.
Accommodation facilities
There are not many facilities accessible for staying in Rajaji National Park. A few environmentally amicable cabins in the reserve forest are available at Wild Rivulet Retreat. You can find it at close proximity withGohariHills inRajaji National Park. It runs through Kaudia town near Vindhya Wasini Sanctuary, which is about 24kilometers from Haridwar.
Things to do
The cabins situated at the edge of the park additionally offer birdviewing, trekking,and walking outside the park and you can also participate indiving activities. Boating in the Ganges under the guidance of the master guidesisavailable at Wild Rivulet Retreat situated close to theGohariHills.
The Rajaji National Park is a remarkable place for exploring wildlife at its best. Not only animals and plants but also, a variety of birds can be witnessed here. Several unique species are becoming extinct from this world due to unlawful activities like poaching, hunting, etc. The National Park has made a sustained effort of conserving these species. So, make sure you visit this place once in a lifetime for having a memorable adventure.