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kala ghoda festival



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Mumbai , South

Kala ghoda arts festival

Kala ghoda arts festival

The beginning of February excites art enthusiasts like no other time of the year. Kala Ghoda, a subdivision in the South of the city Mumbai is enlivened and comes alive with a quick heart throbbing. February marks the time of the annual Kala Ghoda Art Festival, the biggest free entry, art and culture fest of the whole world. The festival is full of zest with its engaging and interesting programs that cover theatre, dance, literature, art and not to forget delicious food. The area of Kala Ghoda is stirred with enormous movements and attracts huge crowds from India and across the world.

The arts festival has witnessed an exponential growth rate that keeps growing continually. The annual fest organized in the locality of Kala Ghoda, South Mumbai is a festival that pumps the blood flow in the participants veins and increases their pulse rate to a whole different level. The atmosphere of the fest is enthused with aspirations, zeal and excitement.


Kala Ghoda Art Festival, is a thrilling and fulfilling experience for art, music, theatre, cinema lovers as the festival packs a punch for the visitors who seek a glimpse of pure talent. The highly anticipated annual fest is composed of some brilliant, creative events that are conducted each day to keep the public interested and happy. Art festival invites people to do more than just witness; it calls upon numerous talented individuals and groups to come forth and explore while watching a lot of, what is in store for them. The art forms represented in the art festival are a reflection of the multi- faceted life in this world. It showcases life in all its grandeur and strength while also presenting the picture of brutal and harsh realities that engulf the beauty of life. The wonderful expression of feelings and emotions that art is, the Kala Ghoda Art Festival is a true and honest representation of numerous art forms.

Kala ghoda art festival, events 2021
Kala ghoda art festival, events 2021

The fest commences on the first Saturday of the month of February and goes on till the second Sunday of February, thus being held for a good 9 days. The coming fest is all set to begin on the 6st of February and will witness the closing ceremony on the 13th. 2021 Kala Ghoda Art Festival, is believed to have a total of 14 categories for the events organized mentioned under:

  • Kids Literature Event : Organized at the Kitab Khana, the children literature event is one of the many events conducted at the Kala Ghoda Art Festival. The venue is located in Somiaya Bhavan .
  • Theatrical Plays : The theatre plays are scheduled to be held at National Gallery of Modern Art, M.C. Ghia Hall, Gallery Beyond and Horniman Circle Garden expected to gather a lot of youth attention and participation.
  • Dance : KGAF will be having dance events for people interested in different dance forms that have the venue as Cross Maidan Gardens and also some efficiently organized dance workshops at Somiaya Center.
  • Films and Movies : The various events pertaining to movies and the world of bollywood are expected to be organized at the Commaraswamy Hall, Visitor’s Center, Bombay Natural History Society speculated to gather a lot of crowd.
  • Literature Events : The different literary events organized during the KGAF have their venues at David Sassoon Library Garden, the Atist’s Center, Kitab Khana and Wisk.
  • Musical Events : At KGAF, the numerous music events are scheduled to be organized at Asiatic Society Library Steps and Cross Maidan Garden, Boston Butt.
  • Street Events : The KGAF also conducts an array of street events that prove a delightful treat for many. The street events will be at Rampart Row, Cross Maidan Ground.
  • Visual Arts Installations : Basking in the glory of the festival are the many, variety of awe- inspiring visual arts installations which cannot be missed. Organized at Rampart Row, Parking Triagnle outside Jehangir Art Gallery, Cross Maidan, Museum Garden, Commaraswamy Hall, Artists’ Center and David Sassoon’s Library.
  • Workshops : A number of workshops are organized at different venues like Artist’s Center, Somiaya Center, Museum Garden, Jehangir Art Gallery David Sassoon Library and The Ateller (Rampart Row) during the KGAF inviting enormous attention.
  • Sand- Up Comedy : The stand- up comedy shows for the upcoming edition will be organized at Irish House.Urban Design and Architecture : KGAF 2021 will witness Urban Design event at Max Mueller Bhavan.
  • Urban Design and Architecture : KGAF 2021 will witness Urban Design event at Max Mueller Bhavan.
  • Heritage Walks : Heritage walks during the fest are organized at different locations of South Mumbai.
  • Food : KGAF also sees the numerous food programs at Westside, Cross Maidan, David Sassoon Library and Artists’ Center.
  • Stalls : Various stalls are organized at Rampart Row, Cross Maidan Ground while the NGO stalls are put up at Museum Garden, K Dubash Road.

As the number of visitors and participants turn up every year to enjoy in the splendor of the Kala Ghoda Art Festival and have an experience of the great yearly fest organized in Mumbai. As, the number of visitors have grown the huge crowds visiting the area during each day of the festival also tend to cause alarm among the city. The continuously growing number of visitors thus, calls for tightened security as only secure premises can lead to a successful and fun filled festival. Security personnel employed for the task of keeping an eye on the ongoing activities are clearly visible from a distance and are focused on the main motive of maintaining peace for the uninterrupted conclusion of the world renowned festival.

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