Clove – A tiny spice with millions of benefits

Indian spices play a very important role during the time of coronavirus. Many people start taking Kadha (a mixture of many herbs) to make their immune system strong. Most of the people prefer to make some kind of drinks on their own to make their immunity strong rather than taking any kind of medicine.

There is a tiny spice named clove which has millions of benefits. Cloves are flower buds that have anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. This spice is very small in size and has so many benefits within it. During this pandemic, people start making Kadha in which they use cinnamon, clove, black pepper, cardamom, and jaggery. Here in this blog, Let’s figure out some benefits of this tiny spice – Clove.

1. Fights with Inflammation:

Clove has the efficiency to fight with the inflammation in your mouth and throat. According to a study, people who consume cloves every day were recognized to have lesser risk of inflammation in their mouth and throat.

2. Help in the treatment of acne:

If you are suffering from acne, then clove oil is the best thing that you can use as the treatment of acne. In clove, there are antifungal and antibacterial properties that help to fight the problem of acne. Clove oil helps in reducing the problems related to skin by killing the bad bacteria.

3. Help in Dental health:

If you are suffering from a toothache, then clove is the best medicine for you. Eugenol enzyme is present in the clove. This substance has properties that help in reducing pain.

All you need to do is put a piece of clove in your mouth and wet it with your saliva and later start chewing it gently. The oil that is released will help in fighting with the pain.

4. Makes the blood circulation good and relieve stress:

Some antioxidant properties are present in cloves. This property helps in purifying your blood. If you want to relieve some stress, then apply some clove oil to your body.

5. Prevent diabetes:

Clove has also helped you in controlling your sugar level. There is a compound named Nigericin which is found in the tiny spice. This tiny spice also helps in improving insulin secretion. If clove is a part of your balanced diet, then your blood sugar level can be balanced.

Cloves have loads of health benefits like help in treating the problems related to acne, help in relieving stress, and also improve the blood circulation of your body.

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