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bastille day



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Celebrate the national day of France, the Pondicherry style!

Celebrate the national day of France, the Pondicherry style!

Well, when it comes to Pondicherry, culture, and history are a bit varied in comparison to the other parts of this country. Precisely because of the beautiful balance of both east and west that it has had. Since Pondicherry was a French colony for 300 years. So, it has always had this varied history that adds to its cultural brilliance. Bastille Day is celebrated in France and so in Pondicherry. The procession might be different in the two places but the spirit and the enthusiasm are equal. The people of Pondicherry proudly celebrate this day and commemorate their history.

On this very day, the retired soldiers of the army parade on the streets with the Indian soldiers and celebrate this prestigious day and sing the national anthems of both India and France to commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle. It’s celebrated on the 14th of July every year with great enthusiasm by the people of Pondicherry.

A little history behind this joyous day.
A little history behind this joyous day.

On this day, the French Revolution took a turn because of the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789. It is celebrated as the national day of France. The fortress, also known as the political prison, was blasted by the common masses as it stood for the monarchy’s power and royal authority. Thus, it was a flashpoint of the French revolution.

How is the Bastille Day celebrated in Pondicherry?
How is the Bastille Day celebrated in Pondicherry?

Well, Pondicherry was an important business site for the French, and because of the long rule that it had on Pondicherry, it left a lot of its marks on the city. From the food menu items to the architecture, everything has a tinge of this varied history. Bastille Day is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm by the people, and an official public holiday is declared on that day. The entire city is decorated by the people with lights and people commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle with great pride and honor. The French heritage is remembered by the people and Bastille Day is celebrated with lots of love and pride.

Although, India is known for its cultural diversity, however, Pondicherry is a bit different. It is a place that beautifully unites two completely varied cultures who are distanced not only by geographical space but ideas and cultures. If you wish to be a part of this mélange of cultures and experience the beauty of two different cultures, then visiting Pondicherry on Bastille Day could be a treat for a lifetime. It’s a celebration of rich culture and history. The spirit with which people celebrate this festival is worth it; it’s the perfect festival to celebrate the cultural vivacity and history of India.

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