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drukpa teshi festival



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In celebration of the teachings of Lord Buddha.

In celebration of the teachings of Lord Buddha.

Sikkim, a state in northeast India, gives homage to dramatic landscapes which include glaciers, alpine meadows and also the highest mountain, the Kangchenjunga. Sikkim is a predominantly Buddhist state, known for its serenity and an air of tranquility amidst the beautiful Himalayas. It also has many pilgrim destinations for the followers of Buddhism.

Drukpa Teshi or Drug- pa Tse- Zhi:

It is a festival celebrated by the Buddhists in Gangtok in a place called Muguthang. It is believed that on this day, Lord Buddha for the first time, turned ‘The Wheel of Dharma’ and preached his first sermon of the four noble truths to his five disciples. It is said that he did so at the deer park in Sarnath. During the festival, a yak race is also held every year.

Significance of the four noble truths:
Significance of the four noble truths:

Buddhism was founded on the teachings of Lord Siddhartha Gautama, who was regarded as a monk, sage, philosopher and teacher. He later was named as “Buddha” which means “the enlightened one” or “someone who has attained nirvana of Buddhahood”.

The preachers of Buddhism hold him in high regard and consider him as the saviour of mankind. It is he who said that the path to a fulfilled life is not one where you abstain from eating fish or meat or abstain from adorning yourself with all the worldly desires but one where we train our mind to refrain from and leave behind any thoughts that enable us to think evil things and commit evil deeds. It was Lord Buddha who preached the four noble truths in order to relieve them from daily distress and show them the right path to progress.

The truth of suffering is said to be the first noble truth. The truth of karma and suffering is the second noble truth, after which comes the third noble truth, which is the truth of the diminishing or the cessation of suffering and the attainment of nirvana. And fourth and the last noble truth is said to be the truth of the eight-fold path which will eventually lead to the attainment of the state of nirvana. The Drukpa Teshi festival usually falls on the month of July or August of every year. The festival is celebrated on the fourth day known as Teshi of the sixth month which is known as Drukpa according to the Tibetan calendar.

This festival is a significant one for the Buddhists. Pilgrims from all over the world travel to the monasteries to be a part of the celebrations. It is not only a festival for the pilgrims and the devotees but also for travellers all around the world as this festival gives them a wonderful opportunity to be a part of this spiritually fueled festival in the beautiful northeastern state, Sikkim.

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