Press Release

India will extend e-visa facility to Chinese Nationals

  • India Tours
  • December ‎21, ‎2018

India will extend e-visa facility to Chinese planning to conferences or coming as medical attendants. Travellers to India attending conferences, seminars and workshops by the Indian government will be issued a Conference Visa. The e-visa facility is also available for Tourist Visa, e-Business Visa and e-Medical Visa, India wants to increase more Chinese tourists to visit our country.

E-Visa is available to a large number of countries including Asian countries like Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, etc.

For getting a visa, the Passport must have a minimum of six months validity from the date of arrival in India, at least two blank pages, return ticket or onward journey ticket, and sufficient money to spend in India.

To attract more Chinese travellers, India extends e-visa facility . India's Tourism Minister said that our plans to attract more Chinese tourists to India in the coming years.

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